Saturday, December 31, 2011

DW: " Happy New Year! What is " Barking Mad?" Do you know? Never mind, just google it. In the coming New Year, it is time to cool down and have a master plan for the coming Dragon year! Here We go!!!!!!!"

KC: "A few friends came over for a new year's eve party. We did down quite a lot, the washing up took an hour!"

Thursday, December 29, 2011

DW: "Love. You need to love your patients with your heart and LISTEN to thier heart s well."

KC: "Pain. A corporate job day in day out can be a pain. I still have many clients left over from my advertising days asking me for help in copywriting. I sometimes do help them, but lately I'm struggling to find the time. Have a website write-up on a circumcision device I promised a doctor I'll do 6 months ago. Haven't really started yet. Then there is this music band, and that organic cafe. Sigh."

Monday, December 26, 2011

DW: "Perotoneal tapping - I have not done peritoneal tapping for long time. Today, i did it again. Maybe i did not do it for some time, it become a bit difficult. Practise makes perfect."

KC: "Stepping out of my office, I think outside the KLCC area, the capital is really one pardon, shithole. Walkways that have fallen apart, trash all over, drains clogged with rotting food etc."

Sunday, December 25, 2011

DW: "Dinner @ Malaysia Hawaii; Wonderful christmas dinner with VE ... with a special Thai otak otak in coconut ... now sitting by Babylon beach club enjoying the x mas music."

DW: "Let' s give big HUGS and little gift for christmas! Meeting an old friend who i not seen for years... should be better than christmas gift! ve.... here we r...."

KC: "2nd batch of poached pears in cages, first was for family Xmas eve dinner; this is for friend's Xmas day potluck dinner, there's another batch to be made tomorrow for ex-colleague's boxing day lunch."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DW: "Swenz white coffee for the day before trying on something ......later."

KC: "I check on laundry, still damp. It's been raining, becoming a little behind. Stacked in piles still yet to be done are home/gym clothes, work clothes, blacks, some wool items, beddings. And still no sun today."